2024 VBS Kids Registration

We are so excited that your child will be joining us for Vacation Bible School! Please fill in all of the information below. When putting an email address, please make sure that you give us an email address that you check. A lot of important information is and will be sent out through email and we don't want you to miss a thing! 

Child's Information

Parent's Information

Emergency Information

Pick Up Information

Who has permission to pick up your child other than the parent or guardian listed above? (Child will not be released to someone that is not on this form. Person named must be at least 16 years old.) 

T-shirt Information

Please select your t-shirt size from the drop down menu below. If filling out on paper, please write in size. T-shirts are included in your registration for Nursery through Youth. Adults are an additional cost. (Youth X-Small - Large) (Adult Small - 5X-Large)

Release Portion

I hereby give my permission for the child named above to go to Trading Ford Baptist Church Kids Ministry events occurring between January 2024 and January 2025.  I understand that the children's ministry coordinator, ministry workers, and church staff will use their best efforts to supervise. However, I also understand the children's ministry coordinator, ministry workers, church staff and TFBC are not responsible for loss of personal property or bodily injury.  If I cannot be reached at the time of an emergency and if treatment is urgent in the judgment of the church staff and medical authorities, I authorize and direct the church staff members present to send my child (properly accompanied) to the hospital or the most easily accessible medical facility.  I understand that my Insurance will be primary coverage, but the church's insurance will be secondary coverage for the payment of any services rendered.  


Trading Ford Baptist Church has my permission to use my child's photograph, video, voice, and/or likeness. I understand that the images may be used in print publications, online publications, presentations, websites, and social media. I also understand that videos and images are only made for Trading Ford Baptist Church posts and nothing outside of approved Trading Ford Baptist Church Ministries.


My name at the bottom of this form will be considered as my personal signature and is legal and binding.